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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Israel is the Nation of the Antichrist = Dajjal: Israel is the Nation of the Antichrist

Salaam al-Maseeh alaykum, assalaamu alaykum wa masaa’ul khayr, algmi akhuani wa akhawati.

Salaam al-Maseeh

Assalaamu alaykum,

The below is of course my site on Christian profession of faith in Christ in love of our fellow believers in the true God, Muslims who confess the Triune God and the Immortal Word of God Who is Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit of the Father and the Son Jesus Christ.

 The Final Trial

Contained therein is reference to the Triad. A little history is appropriate. In the 19th century, the Triad was a Zio-Marxist-Communist network between Jews in three cities for the purpose of invading Palestine and bringing forth the evil reign of their 'ha maschiach' (The Antichrist - ad Dajjal) in total opposition to the true Messiah professed by both Christians and Muslims who is Our Lord Jesus Christ. Those cities were Moscow (Tsarist Russia), New York City (Freemasonic America) and Tel Aviv (Ottoman Palestine). This network brought forth Communism in Russia (financed by New York Jewry at the time of the beginning of the mythic 6,000,000 disappearing Jews - which recalled all the Jew migrations after they had murdered and pillaged and stole all they could in various lands and amongst every nation they could). At the same time the Federal Reserve and the Jews' Tax system was started in the United States to collectivize America under their thumb and give them the power to control politics in the United States, particularly to get the United States to act as their Bully Boy in three (sic) World Wars and many conflicts in between. The third has just begun in 2001 at the infamous beginning of 911. The Triad was morphed by the Jews into the United States, Russia and Red China during the cold war which was between WWII and the current WWIII. That was all explained to me over forty years ago by a Russian-Canadian Jew operative of the Triad transnationalist Intelligence service of the KGB, shadow CIA (not regular lawful CIA) and Red Chinese Military Intelligence while that operative was conducting operations for them from the United States in the Caribbean with their long time operative Fidel Castro.

Current events and the near future:

The Triad is Russia, China and the United States until Israel replaces the United States, then it is Russia, China and Israel – then there were two, Russia and Israel and then there was one: ISRAEL THE HOME OF THE DAJJAL, ANTICHRIST – that last move is the real reason that Yamantau exists

Beware and all of us get the word out to warn God's faithful.

Baarakul laahu fiik,

Ma’ assalaamah


Israel is the Nation of the Antichrist = Dajjal: Israel is the Nation of the Antichrist

About the Antichrist

About the Antichrist
        Prior to the 2nd Coming of Christ to the world, according to the Holy Scripture and the Fathers of the Orthodox Church, the Antichrist will precede -- a most impious man activated by Satan. Saint Cyril of Jerusalem informs us that the Αntίchrist "is coming... when the close ofthe world is approaching", that he will reveal all his murderous disposition against the Church, and "against all (people) especially against us Christians". According to Saint John Chrysostom, the Antichrist will be a person accepting all the energy of Satan. "What will he notwork then? He will move all, he will disturb all..  , for he willwork a million things and prepare others to work hard­ships" (P.G. 62, 482). "When the Antichrist becomes prevail­ing," says the sacred Chrysostom, "he will persecute the Church of God and reveal his wickedness..." Among many other things, Saint Cyril of Jerusalem makes known to us the following also about the Antichrist: Daring such things for only 3 & 1/2 years, he will then be abolished by the second glorious coming from the heavens of the only begotten Son of God, of our true Lord and Savior Christ Who, defeating the Antichrist with the breath of His mouth, will hand him over to the fire of Gehenna" (Catech. 15, Chapter 12).
         Hate amongst brothers, according to Saint Cyril of Jeru­salem, will give ground to the Αntίchrist; because the Devil pre­pares the schisms of peoples, so that he who is coming can become acceptable. St. Cyril places above all martyrs, those who at the time of the Αntίchrist - will witness with piety for the name of Christ; because the former struggled only with people, whereas the martyrs of the Α nt ί christ's time will fight with Satan himself ίη person. 
The temptation to define the time of the events of the revelations is limited by the terms of Saint Irenaeus, who says: "It is safer and less dangerous, to await the outcome of the pro­phecy, rather than to ponder and guess at the name" (Contra Hares. 30:3), and elsewhere he tells us: "Every prophecy before being fulfilled is an enigma and something irrational to people. When, however, the time comes and that which has been prophesied is realized, then it achieves the most precise explanation." While Saint Andrew of Caesarea says: "Time and experience will reveal to those who are vigilant."
 The Antichrist will precede the 2nd Coming of Christ. He will preach οn earth a worldwide persecution against the faith­ful, and for this reason great attention and spiritual wakefulness is demanded; so that we not be deceived ίn any way, as the Apostle Paul proclaims to the Thessalonians. 
The Αntichrist will be a natural person, who will place him­self against the God-man Christ, His teaching and His Orthodox Church. Antichrist means he who is coming instead of Christ and is opposed to Christ. He is essentially the opponent, accord­ing to the Apostle Paul, of Christ and His world saving work. 
The Evangelist John tells us (1 John 2:22) "This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son." While Saint John Damascene assures us, that "he who does not con­fess the Son of God having come in the flesh and that he is perfect God and has become a perfect man, after being God, is antichrist" (P.G. 94, 1216). Whoever, that is, rejects the incarnation of Christ is antichrist. Whoever again are enemies of Christ's Faith, opponents of the Gospel of the Lord, are anti­christs. There existed many forerunners of the Antichrist in the past, but also very many who are working today in his own plans, as are the heresies, sorceries, Zionism and many interna­tional political and financial organizations. 
Additional signs of the last days will be: the appearance of many false prophets; the increase of destructive wars; hunger; dreadful and mortal illnesses; earthquakes in places; and the scandals of lay people and clergymen. Saint Cyril of Jerusalem writes ίη relation: "Bishops against bishops and clergymen against clergymen and peoples against peoples unto blood". The Ηοly father urges us not to pay attention to those things which are happening, but to those which have been written; nor should the per chance evil conduct of the clergy be a cause, for our own perdition.
Another eschatological sin is the lessening of love and the increase of hating brothers before the coming of the Antichrist ''And because wickedness is multiplied, most men's love will grow cold", as the Evangelist Matthew mentions in chapter 24 verse 12. 
Another sign is the preaching of the Gospel to all the world, independently of whether the people believe or not: "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, as a testimony to all nations; and then the end will come." (Mat. 24: 14). 
The planned superinflation will aid in the nations being subjected to the electronic money system. ΑΙΙ exchanges and buying/selling will occur through the electronic means of ex­changing values, and will be conducted with the "mark" {primarily the "mark" is preternatural, sorcerous  and of the will denoting service to Satan}: "Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked οn the right hand or the fore­head, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom: let him who has understanding reckon the number of the beast, for it is a human number, its number is six hundred and sixty-six." (Revelation 13: 16-18).
The Αntichrist's coming is being prepared by his forerun­ners, who with impious and sinful works will lead humanity to great apostasy and uselessness; and to idolatry, in order to accept the Antichrist. They will pursue the joining of the currents of politics, of economy and of religion with the aim of the creation of a worldwide state with a worldwide Governor-Dictator, and a pan-religion with the Antichrist as God. 
The heresies, many satanic organizations, as well as the atheistic material systems are forerunners of the Αntichrist; which cause confusion, disbelief in Christ's Church, and lead unsupported people to perdition. With all these things they strive to wound Orthodoxy, in order to work unbattered for Satan and his ungodly instruments. The most effective manner of facing the forerunners of the Αntichrist, and of the Αntichrist himself, are tο know Christ and place Him cοrrectly inside us with such intensity, that we will love Him first and above all; so that, hence­forth, it is nοt possible for anything tο separate us from Him. 
The par excellence Antichrist will be him whom God will allow tο appear to the world a little prior t ο the 2nd Coming of Christ "he who is coming during the close of the world", according t ο St. John Damascene, "to fight the Church of Christ and the faithful disciples of Christ". He will perform in a word whatever Satan dictates t ο him, as if Satan is acting in person through him. He will be the person through whom Satan will act. 
God will allow the Αntichrist t ο come for the unbelieving, the Jews and the believers. According t ο Saint John Chrysostom he will nοt be powerful οn the believers, but οn all those who follow the road of perdition, as well as unrepentant believers. 
Saint Ephraim the Syrian tells us in relation, that "by the allowance of Holy God, he (the Antichrist) will receive authority to deceive the world; because the impiety of the world has multiplied and everywhere he works hardships" 
Let us forbear, beloved, the satanic violence with bravery in our wicked days, tο avoid the Antichrist's deception. 
Saint Cyril of Jerusalem stresses t ο us: "So man, guard please your own self. Υο u now have all the signs to know before hand of the Antichrist. And do not just think about it, but also tell them and inform the others, as many more as you can." 
"While the Son of God", according t ο Athanasios the Great, "coming will destroy him" (BEPES 35, 150). 
So, while we don't know the precise year of the coming of the Antichrist, we know from the Holy Scriptures and the God­bearing fathers quite a few things about his dark person and his actions.
Ι n our wicked generation many international organizations work for the more general plan of people being governed by the Antichrist. The complete giving over of people to the demon is being pursued by the dark powers. So let us be wakeful, because faith is a delicate thing and we should not deny it either with words or actions; so that we not lose the Grace of Holy Baptism.
We are called to pay attention, because whoever accepts the mark denies holy Baptism, the faith of Christ; and he can ηο longer repent. For this reason, a careful Christ ί an life is demand­ed and great attention; so that we never accept the deceiver Antichrist as true. It is necessary that we be ί n a state of repen­tance and spiritual readiness. And we must not forget such sacred words of our Lord as: "Now the Κίη gd ο m of heaven has suffered violence, and men of violence take it by force." (Mat. 11: 12); and "Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour ίη which the Son of Man is coming." (Mat. 5:13). The Lord will come again suddenly to judge the world as we also say ίη the Symbol of Faith: "And He will come again with glory to judge the living and the dead, Whose kingdom shall have nο end... ." 
The Lord will come as the flood of Noah, that is, suddenly: ''As were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. (Mat. 24:37) Like the thief: "But the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night" (2 Peter 3:10). Like light­ning! "For as the lightning comes from the east and shines as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man." (Mat. 24:27) That is, it will be felt like lightning, and will be seen all over the earth and to all people. 
The Lord will come again οn earth with the same manner that He left. The angels Who were present with the disciples of the Lord in His Ascension assured this: "This Jesus, Who was taken υρ from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw Him go into heaven." (Acts 1: 11). Τ ill then, let us cul­tivate inside us this sweet expectation -- with worthy works of repentance and virtue, love and holiness. 
In chapter 24, verse 30 of the Evangelist Matthew we read: "Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man (the precious Cross) in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming ο n the clouds of heaven with power and great glory".
While in the first chapter of Revelation verse 7 is written. "Behold, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, every one who pierced Him; and all tribes of the earth will wail ο n account of Him." 
Christ will not leave His faithful people, so long as we walk the path of the Saints of our Church: Το live with the fear of God, with humility, with prayer, with charity, with repentance, with patience, with love. Let us walk the path of truth, of light, of grace, of sanctification, studying the Ηο ly Scripture, patristic works, the lives of our Saints, partaking worthily in the sacra­mental life of our Church; and the philanthropic and soul-saving Lord will not leave us helpless. Our Lord assured us of this with the following consoling words of His: "And lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age." (Mat. 28:20). 
We are called completely to entrust ourselves to God, to strive to serve the truth, to do that which pleases God; and to never forget, neither God's Judgment nor the Recompense. Then, and only then, the peace of God and His divine protection will accompany us and guard us always.

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